
“People will refer to those they respect.” – Nini Craven, HME Business Coach
In today’s episode of Coaches Corner, Nini discusses what to do when your marketer quits or you choose to let them go.


Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m Nini, welcome to Coaches Corner. Today we’ll be speaking about when your marketer quits. If you lose your marketer, whether you let her go, or she leaves to another opportunity, you want your referral sources to hear it from you first. Whoever they hear it from first, is it’s going to take presence in their mind and what they’re going to remember.

So, if your marketer leaves, you wanna go and see your referral sources. Let them know she found a better opportunity which fit better with her lifestyle, or your agency is moving in a different direction, or whatever you choose to say. When you are respectful, you are a respectful agency, and people will refer to those they respect.

They need to hear it from you because if they don’t hear it from you first, they’re going to hear from your marketer, who’s gone to either a competing home care agency, or to a hospice, and you don’t want him/her bad-mouthing you. Even if he/she does, if they hear it from you first, that’s what’s going to stick out in their minds.

It works the same way with a service failure. When we have a service failure, which is inevitable in home care unfortunately, you wanna be the one to go over to your referral sources and let them know what happened, what plan of corrections you put in place, how you are using this as a learning experience, and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Because when they hear about it from their patient, they already know that you are using this as a learning experience and that it’s not going to repeat itself. It’s just like gossip, whatever you hear first is what is going to leave that lasting impression and what you’re going to remember.

If you are respectful, people will refer to you because that means you are a respectful agency. Just because your marketer leaves, doesn’t mean marketing can stop. Out of sight, out of mind. You need to go into those referral sources letting them know that she’s not with you anymore and ask for that business. Because if you don’t, your competitor will. Out of sight, out of mind. You go in there, you introduce yourself, you let them know who you are and why you’re there, and you will get that business.

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Coaching Was Awesome ★★★★★ 5 out of 5 – by Tom T. on May 16, 2018

“The owners of our new agency had considerable sales experience, but not in Home Care. Hurricane to the rescue! We learned and practiced approaches to our Referral Sources in ways we would never have thought of, As a result, we noticed increased hours and a much better understanding of the true, KEY METRICS needed for success in our industry.”

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