Now you know how to organize a group of preferred providers… Now what? On this week’s episode of A Drink With “The Hurricane” Steve will continue his discussion with part 2 of creating a team of Preferred Providers.


Video Transcript:

Hi folks, Steve “The Hurricane” here. On today’s episode Of A Drink With The Hurricane we’re going to continue to discuss creating a preferred providers group.

Last week I talked about taking leadership and organizing your own group. Today I’m gonna talk about creating a name for your group. The reason why you want to create a name for your group is because it allows for people to feel like they belong to something. It could be something professional or it could be something unprofessional. It’s one thing to say we have a preferred provider group. It’s another thing to say I belong to the You Can Group or I belong to the Natural Disasters Group. Because when people feel like they belong to something that means that they take pride in it. They want to be a part of it. They’re excited to be a part of it. They’re excited to where the organization or the group is going. They want to be a part of something greater than themselves, which is the whole purpose of creating this preferred provider group.

The ultimate goal of the group, as I had mentioned last week, is to provide better outcomes. The secondary goal is to grow all the organizations together so it becomes an exciting, fun, vision that’s shared, that we all are working towards this vision together, in which all organizations thrive and grow together. Now my story, when I first started my preferred provider group, I went with the unprofessional name first. I actually created one later called the You Can program which I will talk about at the Boot Camp.

The Natural Disasters was my group. Back in February of 2006, my business partner Brian, who was my boss at the time, he gave me the nickname Steve “The Hurricane.” He basically sat me down, gave me a raise, and the raise was to pay me what I was worth. Whatever I brought into his organization I was gonna get a cut of. It was a revenue share deal. And I said, well, if I’m going to get paid what I’m worth, then I’m gonna be a force of nature out there. And then Brian goes, “Steve, I want you to be a Hurricane!” And that’s why I got the nickname Steve “The Hurricane.”

I went out to my power of partners and I started seeing them on a regular basis. I said, “Joe, guess what? “Brian just gave me this nickname. “Now I’m Steve ‘The Hurricane.'” And Joe was like, “Well, if you’re Steve ‘The Hurricane,’ “then I’m gonna be Joe ‘The Flood.'” And I’m like, “Ooh, raining devastation “on the home care health care industry together.” Joe was from an assisted living community.

Later on, I meet my buddy Michelle, who I love to death. And I’m like, “Michelle, I’m ‘The Hurricane.’ “This is Joe. “He’s ‘The Flood.'” And she’s like, “Well, uh-uh honey. “If you’re ‘The Hurricane’ and you’re ‘The Flood,’ “well then I’m ‘The Tornado’ up in here.” And I said, “Oh, yes. “We are the Natural Disasters!!” That was the nickname of our group. Then eventually we added an avalanche, a storm, an earthquake, a volcano, and all these other great names that fit the group.

That was a fun meeting of other marketers and business owners to meet on a regular, consistent basis, share best practices, make sure that we’re referring each other, talk about the outcomes of our patients. And what ended up happening from this group that started out as a fun, just nickname and we’d meet up, it turned out to be a preferred provider group where every single person who was part of this group ended up having more business than they could possibly handle.

We’re talking home health and hospice reps who maxed out their bonus every month. Assisted living independent living communities that had 100% occupancy with a full 20, 30 person waiting list. And of course, my company, which I was able to grow from $600,000, $700,000 a year to over five million dollars a year, billing out $115,000, $116,000 a week. That’s the potential that comes from having a preferred provider group.

And in all essence, yeah, it took leadership to organize it, but by having the name Natural Disasters it was a lot of fun and it made people want to be a part of it. People used to seek me out to be a part of it. I’d explain the parameters of being in the group, which helped me be selective with it. And it helped all of us to grow and dominate our marketplace.

Now, this is one bullet on one slide of a 90 minute presentation on how to create a preferred provider group, which is an exclusive topic that will only be done at the Millionaire’s Boot Camp.

If you want to create a preferred provider’s group, if you want to have more referrals and more business than you know how to handle and know what to do with, sign up for the Hurricane Millionaires Boot Camp right now! Save 40% off a ticket price before March 31st, and I’ll see you in St. Louis, where I’m gonna give you everything you need to BLOW AWAY THE COMPETITION!