Communication plays a vital role in all facets in your business and is your key to success when it comes to being the number one preferred provider. On this week’s episode of a Drink With “The Hurricane” Steve continues his discussion with part 3 of How to Create a Preferred Providers Group.

Video Transcript:

Hi folks, Steve “The Hurricane” here and for today’s episode of A Drink with The Hurricane, I am going to continue discussing with you creating a preferred providers group.

Alright, this is the third week in a row we’re talking about creating a preferred provider groups. I talked about taking a leadership and organizing it. I talked about creating a name and today we’re going to talk about communication. To create a preferred providers group communication is key. We have to communicate with our Preferred Providers on a regular, consistent basis.

There are three different areas:

  • Daily Communication
  • Weekly Communication
  • Monthly Communication

With the daily communication this is a real quick text message or a phone call to your Power Partners to the people in your Preferred Provider group. If today is Wednesday and I’m gonna go to a CEU event this afternoon, when I wake up Wednesday morning I’m gonna send out a mass group text to everybody in my Preferred Provider’s group that says: Hey everybody I’m going to the CEU event at CareOne. Who’s gonna join me over there?

And so this way it’s sent out to everybody. Or I’m going to the networking event, Network Connections, at Buckingham Place. Who is gonna be there? I send this text out to everybody. It does a couple things. One it gives me regular contact with all my Power Partners. Two it helps me to get established who’s where, who’s going to what and if I’m gonna see them we can then plan seeds to go cold marketing, collaborative events and do a whole bunch of other things by seeing each other on a regular consistent basis. One of the reasons why my Preferred Provider group and my clients groups are so successful is because you’re constantly seeing and working with multiple people from multiple entities on a regular consistent basis.

This quick text message keeps you in touch with your community and lets you know what’s going on. Conversely when you start doing this with your group, the rest of the members in the group will do the same thing and it increases the likelihood of being able to bump into each other as well as being mindful of who we are possibly going to make a referral to. Being able to get referrals means being remembered when a referral time comes. Constant communication with your Preferred Provider group keeps you in the forefront of the people who could possibly refer you businesses.

When it comes to weekly communication. You should set up a MailChimp account and do a weekly newsletter just to the people in your group. It could be a bunch of different things. Send out a weekly correspondence between you and the rest of the members in your group letting them know what’s going on. Maybe share a quote of the week or something of that nature so that you’re all on the same page. You’re talking about what’s going on and you’re working towards that common goal and that common vision.

Finally, you should be having monthly meetings on a regular basis. It could be over lunch or it could be at one of the communities that’s part of the group. It could be out in public or you could do some fun stuff with it. One of the things I always talked about, one of the people in the group actually had season tickets for an entire section of about 100 seats at the Trenton Thunder, which is a local minor league baseball team in New Jersey. They had 50 tickets and they could never get everybody to come. Side note, they were box seats and it was fantastic.

So we would meet, not all the time but like once a summer at a baseball game. We’d go to the baseball game have our meeting in the box, talk business, we’d watch the baseball game and have fun. It was fantastic. That’s just an example of a meeting that you can do. You don’t have to do it but again it’s monthly communication.

Communication is key with your group. Yes, you gotta organize and take leadership. Yes, you gotta create a name. And yes, you gotta talk daily, weekly, and monthly to keep the group going.

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