
Hi Folks,

November is the National Home Care and Hospice month. This November is dedicated to hard working aides, nurses, therapists, and companions who dedicate their lives to serving the community… a well-deserved and earned recognition.

As service providers, this is a great month to show your appreciation to these individuals as well as get referrals you need to grow your business. In this week’s episode of A Drink With “The Hurricane,” I will give you the tools to jumpstart 2017 with a bang!

As the weather is shifting to a bone-chilling breeze (in many parts of the country), things at your office may be slowing down. Use this to your advantage. As the holidays are around the corner take the bull by its horns and MARKET, MARKET, MARKET! The holidays are a great time to rein in those referrals.

This November you should be completing the following:

  1. Make use of your Marketing collateral
    1. Discuss your Standard Operating Procedures.
    2. Discuss your turn around time (make sure this is no more than one hour)
    3. Discuss your on-call procedures when a referral comes in
      • Ideas for collaterals:
        • Thanksgiving
        • New Year
        • Christmas
        • Hanukkah
  1. Increases your face to face contacts
    1. For the next two weeks, visit twice as many key contacts you normally see
    2. Get out there and promote your Holiday Marketing Collateral
    3. Remember to work hard and play hard
  1. Set up as many Lunch N Learns as you can
    1. Formal
    2. One on One
    3. Group Setting
    4. Floating 

When you complete these 3 steps and ask for these holiday referrals, you are setting your company up for success. These accounts will remember you because you already explained to them how you and your company are ready for them when the holidays come. This, folks, is how you finish 2016 STRONG!

To continue your success in 2017, sign up for our Referral Masters Boot Camp, February 8-10th, in Houston Texas. Steve “The Hurricane” has sold out Boot Camps nationwide and has transformed the lives of business owners across the nation. If you are serious about establishing a solid foundation for you and your business, this is not the event you want to miss! I look forward to meeting you in Houston, where our team will teach you how to Blow Away The Competition!



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