Home Care Marketing

On this episode of “A Drink with the Hurricane,” I wanted to talk about something we as home care marketing professionals have all experienced plenty of times.

Picture it—you begin your day with excitement, doing everything you can to grow your business, but for some reason you keep coming up short.  Referral sources are shooting you down; you’re attending meetings that no one has showed up; no one is willing to speak with you and you’re at your breaking point—possibly even on the verge of tears.

It hurts.  You feel defeated and at times, downright miserable.  Believe me, I’ve been there!

Years ago, I led a marketing boot camp and asked fellow marketing reps what they do to overcome a bad day on the job.  How can we turn our bad days into good days?

I received some great responses and combined them with a few of my own experiences.

Here’s how Home Care Marketers can overcome a bad day:

  • Have a Power Song – One way I overcame bad days was playing my favorite power songs in my car.  I attached my iPod with all my jams, and rocked out to Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, P.Diddy, Black Eyed Peas and more.  This brought me back to normal in no time.  So play on, my friends!  Play on!  Play them on repeat if you have to, and get yourself in the right frame of mind.
  • Call someone to vent – Many times I’d call my wife and vent to her about my challenging day, just to get it off my chest.  I’d also call my VP and request a venting session.  Then I’d complain, letting it all out and releasing it to the cosmos—walking away feeling like a brand new person.  This is what your managers are here for; they understand what you’re going through.  Everyone needs a good venting session once in awhile.  Just don’t vent to your managers EVERY day.
  • Visit an account that loves you – I have to give credit to my friend, Jeanine, for this tip.  It’s a fantastic idea that I’ve done many times.  The accounts that you have a good rapport with can pick you up when you need it most, and pull you out of your funk. Heck, they might even give you a referral since you’re already there (i.e. – right place, right time)!

As marketing reps, part of our job is maintaining a positive presence.  We can’t afford to meet referral sources when we’re down in the dumps, or with tears in our eyes.  So it’s important to maintain our composure and upbeat personalities.

Since we’re in the final quarter of 2015, I want to make sure that you’re equipped to handle anything that comes your way as a professional Home Care Marketer.  Like I’ve said, we’ve all been there!  So if I’m able to help empower just one marketing rep to turn his/her bad days around — then I’ve accomplished my goal.

Take on the week ahead with these tips in mind.  Here at HME, we love interacting with all of you and hearing your stories.  So share some of your tips and let us know what works for you.  How do YOU overcome bad days on the job?  Post your comments below.

And remember – don’t just beat your competition—blow them away!