
Home Care Marketing

Hey, folks!  Welcome to another edition of “A Drink with the Hurricane.”  I know I’ve said this before, but I love dramatizations!  They’re my favorite videos to film; and as you know, we’ve done quite a bit of these already.  Once again, Tony does a great job here of showing how home care marketing professionals struggle to schedule in-service meetings.

These informational sessions are vital to showing potential referrals exactly what your company has to offer.  But directly asking for a meeting probably won’t get you far.  In fact, you’re more likely to receive the typical run-around or vague response about in-service meetings, which will leave you walking away empty-handed.

I want the opposite for you!  I want you to walk away knowing exactly when you can deliver your A-game.

Here’s the deal.  Every business has meetings.  It’s a time where every key player and department is in one place at a given time.  And for someone like you, a home care marketing rep who needs to see each of these professionals anyway, why not use this to your advantage and try to reach them all at once?

Here’s how to get an in-service scheduled:

  • Determine a time when everyone meets – Instead of running yourself ragged trying to determine all of the main players’ individual schedules, find out when your potential referral sources have their own team meetings.  Then ask if you can join them for an in-service luncheon and information session.  They’re already meeting anyway, so why not jump in on the fun?   Once you determine a time for these meetings, you should then:
  • Give your prospective referral sources two options of time – Here’s where you’ll want to be specific.  Avoid saying “let’s meet next week” or “sometime over the next couple of weeks.”  That’s too vague; and you’ll probably get shot down as these potential referrals consider everything that’s on their plate within the next week or so.  Give them specific time frames and suggest either their next meeting or the meeting after.  This gives your sources targeted options and the chance to see which day or time would ultimately be best for them.
  • Set a tentative time from those two options – If you lock in a tentative time from one of the two options you’ve already suggested, your prospective referral sources will be forced to follow-up with you and respond with a simple “yes” or “no.”  This makes your life so much easier as a simple task to schedule, which can lead to a much higher success rate.

It all leads back to my “BMFM” model (i.e. – Book a Meeting From a Meeting).  I guarantee this model will never fail you; and the simple tips provided above will greatly increase your chances of landing an in-service.  Once you land the in-service meeting, it’ll be your time to shine!

And that’s the golden nugget from “The Hurricane” himself…. Always remember, don’t just work to beat your competition, blow them away!

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