It’s no secret that to be successful in the Home Care industry nowadays, you need to have both a direct referral marketing effort and an online website presence. In our most recent public webinar, (see recording here) I discussed a recent study conducted by Home Care Pulse, which explains over 80% of a Home Care agency’s revenue comes from direct referral and internet leads. This is truly AMAZING! I am always sharing great direct referral marketing tips and strategies with you, but for this episode of A Drink with “The Hurricane,” I called one of my Power Partners to give us some insight on the internet marketing side of things.

Valerie VanBooven, of LTC Expert Publications, is an Internet Lead Generation mastermind for the Home Care industry. She works with agencies all across the country to increase their online referrals and create extraordinary content for marketing their businesses online. The tip she shares with us in this video episode about developing content on your website as a means of getting your foot in the door with a potential referral source is something I had never even thought about! It make so much sense though if you think about it, by offering to add content like an interview with the administrator of a Skilled Nursing Facility and posting it on your website and on social media so their company gets publicity, is a FANTASTIC way to begin building a referring relationship! I will definitely be sharing this tip with all my clients this week!

As Valerie mentioned, as part of our Home Care Revenue Builders membership, we conduct live monthly webinars. Valerie will be hosting the next one on June 18th, discussing social media secrets for using Facebook to leverage leads, grow your business and ultimately “Blow Away the Competition!” 

See what the buzz is all about! Join Home Care Revenue Builders TODAY!

Here’s a link for the study so you can go buy this incredible resource yourself.  If you use the promo code HME15 (case sensitive), then you will get a 15% discount.