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I love this dramatization! Tony does a great job of showing how marketers struggle to approach someone at a networking event. This is common and frustrating for many marketing professionals, especially if you’re the new kid on the block. Often times you’ll come across others at networking events who are so busy and engaged communicating with someone else, it’s difficult to jump in to the conversation. I know first-hand how frustrating this can be.
Here’s what you can do to combat this issue:
- First – make your presence known to the group. Don’t interrupt or even listen in on their conversation at first; just make them aware that another person is waiting to speak with them.
- Second — Use your mental clock and take note of how long they’re speaking. If longer than 5-7 minutes, it’s more than OK at a networking event to politely interject, excuse yourself and say a quick hello. This isn’t rude. In fact, many times this leads to them inviting you into the mix and sharing your own thoughts.
- Third – Move on! If you can’t get a word in after 5-7 minutes, leave those two people alone and look to speak with someone else. Now keep that 5-7 minute mental clock going and as your conversation is coming to an end, mention the other two people you were originally trying to connect with and ask if your current connection happens to know them. Chances are, that person already knows those people you. You can even take it one step further and ask for an introduction.
This is all normal and acceptable behavior at a networking event. You’re there to make viable business connections. It’s not rude to try and have a conversation with someone who’s already speaking with another person. Just be considerate, give them their time and introduce yourself when the time is right. I like to think of it as being assertive, not aggressive.
So there’s the tip of the week! Happy hunting and remember – don’t just beat your competition, blow them away!