Everybody likes kung fu fighting… especially when it gets you hospital referrals! In this exclusive Boot Camp clip, Steve “The Hurricane” discusses his secret ninja strategies to gain hospital referrals.



You’re gonna be warriors after this. Right now you’re grasshoppers. You could not take the pebble out of my hand just yet, but it’s coming, it’s coming. Right, that’s kung-fu, right? Ninja marketing hospitals. If I’m a ninja, I have to do my reconnaissance. Ninjas don’t rush into battle. They know their opponent. They look for their weaknesses. So I have to do some reconnaissance before I’m gonna even attempt to go for this battle.


Once I do reconnaissance and I find out the things I need to do, I’m still not gonna rush into battle just yet. I gotta develop a plan. How am I gonna? And I know my information, got my information. I gotta attack, how am I gonna attack? Now another thing people don’t know, while ninjas are sometimes lone warriors, ninjas are also part of clans. Ever hear of the foot clan? Where is that from? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, that’s right. I am a dork with a capital D. Dork, dork, dork. I love Ninja Turtles!


I’m one person, I can’t do this alone, so I need a team, I gotta get my clan together to be able to take out this Dragon. Once I have all this, then: attack. And give it everything you got, coming from every single angle, with your team all coordinated effort, and then 50% chance, if you’re lucky enough, stand victorious at the end. You have slain the dragon. Those are the five steps of ninja marketing to a hospital.


1. Reconnaissance

We have to do some online research. We have to know everything there is to know about this hospital. What are their discharge numbers? What are their readmission rates by disease, diagnosis? Not just overall readmission rates. What are their pain points? That’s all research.


Medicare.gov is a great resource to go to. All the information I just said about finding about census and discharge numbers and Medicare readmission rates and so on, it’s all available on Medicare.gov. Why, because Medicare is a government payer source, and so that information, if the people are paying for it, it is public knowledge. You can access it by going through Medicare.gov. Once you do that, and you get your your information, you get your knowledge, you get everything that you need to know that you can find out online about a hospital.


2. Who they feed?


Meaning, where do they discharge patients to? What skilled nursing facilities are they sending patients to for rehab? What home health companies are they sending patients home with? What hospices, if somebody needs to go on hospice, have contracts with the hospital. What DME providers make delivery said hospital every single day? That’s what I mean by who do they feed. Who do they work with? Elder law attorneys ever? Do they work with geriatric care managers ever? We have to find all this out.


Are there assisted living communities that we are, that they’re working with, that they’re referring that we are working with? and if not, we still wanna know where they’re sending their patients. Adult day care, where they sending their patients? That’s what we have to find out, and I just give you, just think about what I just described. You can see how just the reconnaissance, Just from what I, and this is what? three bullets? Just that alone can take you several weeks to be able to find all that information out, but it’s vital to your success of being able to infiltrate this hospital, grasshopper.


Go to all the accounts that you are currently working with. One of my favorite ways when I got into the hospital, I’m talking ’bout Robert Wood Johnson hospital in New Brunswick, that’s the hospital I developed in 26 days, and my biggest, easiest way for me to get in there was going to all of the communities that I already had established relationships with. I knew the skilled nursing facilities. I knew the home health. I knew the hospices. I had relationships with all of them. As a matter fact, as part of the program that we do with our clients, I teach them to go there first, and then leverage those relationships to get into the account. That’s exactly what I did. That’s the hurricane way of being able to do this.


So go to your accounts and ask them, “What hospitals feed you? “Where are you getting business from? “Do you know somebody in there? Do you know those discharge numbers? Do you know those nurse liaison? Do you know their care navigators?” And then that’s the next part of it. Who are the key contacts in these hospitals? We got to know them ahead of time. This is what I love about LinkedIn, and we’ll talk about LinkedIn in a minute, but you can usually find the picture of somebody, because most of these people are on LinkedIn, so if you have a LinkedIn profile, you can find all this information on there.


Who is the director of case management, and the director of social services? That is a very, very important contact. That’s almost like the most important contact in the hospital. Because the other one in the front line. If you wanna get to the rest of their discharge planners and social workers and caseworkers, you have to go through them. If you don’t have their blessing, even if you’re in there and you’re getting some referrals, at any time she can sever that connection. So you gotta get to know her. Very, very, very important key contacts in these communities.


Remember your training and you will come back alive. I’ve been thrown out of hospitals, it’s not fun. And you’re just getting a lecture the whole way as you’re leaving. I was fatally wounded in that moment, in that reconnaissance mission. The director of case management, case management, social services. Case managers manage the client or the patient while they’re in the hospital. This is where you get the round-the-clock cases at the hospital because a person needs help.


So somebody has a massive stroke, somebody has fallen and they broke their hip, and they’re recovering, but they also have stage four dementia, so they don’t know they run the risk of getting out of the bed and injuring himself and getting hurt. The hospital will contact you. It will be the case manager who will contact us and say I have somebody that needs you in order to stay here at the hospital, and they need you. and there’s not like, you know, how much is going to cost? It’s, “Your mother’s getting this. “It’s only gonna be for the time that she’s here, “unless you decide to do more, “but you gotta get this family or someone’s gotta sit here “every single hour of the day “otherwise she’s gonna keep hurting herself”


That’s a great, great client, but again it goes back to that same day warning I talked about earlier. The social worker is the one who prepares the discharge. So that’s the person sending them back home into the community. Obviously that’s where we really want to get the patient to, but just so you know the difference when you go in, when you’re speaking to one, you wanna talk about how you will take care of the person on site, when you’re speaking to the other, you want I will take care of the person at home. Make sense?


Medical directors. Who are the medical directors of this building? The physicians. Many of these medical directors who make rounds, who do surgeries. Many of the private practices. If they do, that is a great place to start, because I can find them there, develop the relationship, and then leverage it to get into the hospital. This is all part of the reconnaissance. We have to know who those medical directors are. And they’re gonna be hard to find. But you can do your research and you can find out, because again, this is all public information.


And then again, find the MDs who make rounds who may not be medical directors. Like I was talking about yesterday. I think I talked about Dr Nanivarti? Do you remember that? I talked about him at the Elms and I would go and I’d see a patient, Dr Nanivarti would walk in and, “Oh, this is Steve, you go with him, “he’s the best company, whatever, “I’ll come back in 20 minutes” You wanna find out who those doctors are that make rounds at the hospital.


Boot Camp Testimonials

“You’re gonna get a lot of information. You’re gonna meet other people that are doing the same thing you’re doing that you can feed off of. Get information from, get energy from. I would say come.”

“This bootcamp was so awesome. There was so much energy and information that my head is spinning.”

“Oh man, exactly what I needed. Changed my perspective, changed how I’m gonna do things, not just at my agency, but in my, I mean just across the board. I’m almost speechless. I know I’m giving this testimony, but I loved it, absolutely loved it.”


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