Tip 3 out of 12: Marketing As A Business Owner. Yes or No?
As business owners, our days can be hectic tackling daily tasks such as managing the office, finances, and customer relations. It is easy to put marketing on the back burner, right? WRONG! On this week’s tip I will discuss why it is important for you to co-market with your marketing rep.
I say this all the time: if you are a business owner, you NEED to go out and MARKET! It is a huge disadvantage for your organization to put all the work on your marketing rep. Here’s why:
1. The Owner’s Impact is 10x greater than your Marketing Rep’s.
- Be the differentiator. If an account sees you on a consistent basis with your marketing rep, that lets them know that their business is important and that you are serious about doing business with them.
2. Owners know how much they can commit.
- As a business owner, you know first-hand what you can or cannot deliver when it comes to making promises to an account. You are the expert of your business; you know the availability you have, if you have a caregiver that is right for a case, as well as if you can commit to a client on short notice. It is for these reasons that you, the owner, is more valuable speaking to social workers or referring accounts.
3. Team Bonding and Developing Relationships.
- Marketing Reps have a high turnover rate due to the lack of communication they have with the owner. For the first six months, go out and market with your rep every week for a half a day. This will allow you to create a strong relationship with them. Once the first six months are over, limit your marketing with them to twice a month. This helps you build trust, a bond, and loyalty with your rep.
Remember, if you aren’t marketing with your rep, another home care agency is. Successful business owners have to plan ahead and be one step ahead of the game when it comes to marketing home care. In order to be successful, you must devote yourself to visit these accounts with your rep. Marketing is your weapon to gain referrals and increase sales.
We hope you enjoyed today’s tip! If you are ready to take your business to the next level, consider some of our holiday deals going on now until Dec 14th. Give yourself the gift of Home Care Marketing Training and SAVE with the following products:
- The Ultimate Referral Package
- Hurricane University
- Boot Camp Trifecta