If you are a business owner, you NEED to go out and MARKET, MARKET, MARKET! Whether you have a marketing rep or not, this is what keeps a company running. I know many of you may be uncomfortable going out and marketing your business because you’re thinking, “Steve, I need to be in the office!” This is true, but you need to spend time in the field if you really want to succeed. On this week’s episode of A Drink With “The Hurricane,” I will explain how much time a business owner or marketing rep should spend in the office and in the field.

For business owners who DO NOT have a marketing rep, you must spend 15-20 hours marketing in the field. This, my friends, is how you gain referrals. THIS IS ATTAINABLE! If your business has 5-10 clients on your census, you can easily spend 15-20 hours in the field marketing. Within this time frame, you should be meeting with 15-20 people and having meaningful face-to-face conversations. Once you are able to hire a full-time marketing rep, this individual should spend 30-35 hours in the field and 5-10 hours in the office. This will cut your time in the field, but doesn’t mean you should stop getting out there and spreading the word about your business.

A good schedule for a Marketing Representative goes as follows:

Monday: Spend the morning in the office. Monday mornings are a terrible time to go out marketing. Most people are catching up from the weekend. I recommend using this time to come up with a game plan for that week. Which accounts are you going to visit, and for how long? This will help you stay on track, and once 1 p.m. comes along, then you can go out and market.

Tuesday and Wednesday: These are you marketing days folks! These days you should have a full day planned with networking events, lunch and learns, and appointments.

Thursday: Thursdays are a great time to market in the morning. This is the time to stop by accounts and have meaningful conversations with the staff. Make sure to bring supplies to replenish your marketing material.

Friday: Fridays are the days to go out and market all day! Marketing Representatives: make sure to touch base with your owner every day when you go out marketing.

A Marketing Representative should conduct a daily 5 minute call with their business owners to go over his or her daily interactions. This includes mentioning who they saw for the day, and when they have scheduled a follow-up meeting with these people. Just because an owner has hired a marketing rep, that does not mean that owner doesn’t have to market anymore. Owners and Marketing Representatives should market together at least once a week.

If you are interested in learning more topics, come to the next Hurricane’s Home Care Boot Camp in Denver, Colorado. Steve “The Hurricane” has sold out Boot Camps nationwide and has transformed the lives of business owners across the country. If you are serious about establishing a solid foundation for you and your business, this is an event you won’t want to miss! I look forward to meeting you in Denver, where our team will teach you how to Blow Away The Competition!