Everyone has a rough day every now and then. When you’re running your own business and nothing seems right, you may take a bad day to heart even more than other people do. In this episode of A Drink With the Hurricane, I give you some ideas to find the motivation to power through a bad day.
Have you had a day when nothing went right? When everyone who had appointments scheduled canceled at the last minute – or worse, stood you up? When nothing you say resonates with anyone on the phone? When you’re feeling discouraged because nobody who promised you referrals in the last month has come through?
Whenever we at Hurricane Marketing Enterprises host a boot camp, people talk to us about all of these problems and more. Everyone has had situations that can drag you down. At boot camp, with those raw situations fresh in our minds, we turn the topic to motivation. We help people figure out what they can do to break themselves out of the negative feelings that they experience on days when everything feels wrong. And the folks at our boot camps always tell me that the advice they receive is just what they needed.
Sometimes, too many bad things happening in a row can make you doubt your reasons for staying in business. I know this feeling: I’ve sat in my car, my head against the steering wheel, wondering if this is what I’m supposed to do with my life. I’ve cried tears of frustration. When this happens, it’s important to realize that you need to be uplifted. A little motivation can go a long way, and you can learn to help yourself break out of a bad day with some inspired self-encouragement. Here are some helpful options:
Find that perfect uplifting song
Don’t underestimate the power of music. When I’m having a terrible day and I’m driving around town, I connect my iPod to my car and put on the one song that brings me back and helps me focus on something positive and good. I call my go-to song my Power Jam. You probably have a song that affects you this way – one that makes you want to get up and dance, or one that you put on when you work out so that you run even faster than usual. Maybe it’s an old favorite from high school that reminds you of the fantastic times you had with old friends, or perhaps it’s just your favorite upbeat song by your all-time favorite artist. Whatever it is, flip it on when your motivation is flagging, and you’ll lift your spirits in no time.
Go to an account that loves you
If you’re striking out and you can’t seem to get ahead, go to a referral source that you have a great relationship with. You know they love you, and the feeling is mutual. Stop by their facility. They may see that you look beat up and ask what’s going on. It’s okay to be honest with them. Tell them that you’re having a hard day because people are cancelling appointments left and right and you’re feeling frustrated. Tell them that you stopped by because you wanted to see them and hear how they’re doing. You’ll be met with lots of support. They’ll offer you hugs or a cup of tea. They’ll remind you how good you are and why you got into this business in the first place. By the end of the conversation, they’ll put you into the right mindset.
Go home early
There’s no shame in admitting defeat every now and then. Don’t be afraid to leave an hour or two early on the rare occasion when it feels like everything you do comes across wrong. If you’re having a rough go at it, don’t continue to market – you’re only going to bring negativity and frustration into your other accounts. Pack up your things and head out. Think about doing a client drop-in on your way home to remind yourself how good your services are and how many good things you’re doing for the elderly. If you can finish out a terrible day with something positive like that, you’ll recharge and put things into perspective so that you wake up the next day feeling positive and ready to go.
Remember, even on a day when nothing goes right, it’s just temporary. Like all things, this will pass.
If you need some motivation to help you recharge and dominate your marketplace, sign up for the next Hurricane Home Care Boot Camp. We’re here to help you Blow Away The Competition!
Click Here to Register for The Hurricane’s Home Care Boot Camp