
Hi folks, it’s Steve “The Hurricane” here and I am so excited to be speaking with you.

I wanna let you know there is no official Drink With The Hurricane for this week because we just wrapped up the Virtual Boot Camp, Embracing Change: From Pandemic To Profitability; and it was an incredible event. Two action packed days and for me to you, every one of you who are on that event with me you know how incredible it was and I am so grateful and honored to be able to serve so many of you.

Now, for those of you who missed it or weren’t even aware that we had a boot camp, we sent out so much stuff we’ve been working for four months on this but if you missed out and you weren’t aware that we were having a virtual boot camp and you wanna get the recording, we are doing a pre sale right now.

The recording will be available on Friday, September 25th and the full price is $199 for the recording. Now, if you wanna get the pre sale and buy it now before then, we will let you save 25% also to only be $149. So, if you want to get the boot camp recording, click the link below, register for it now and as long as you do so by Thursday, September 24th you will save $50 off the full price of the recording.

That is my thank you to you for taking action now that is my thank you to you for being part of my following because I’ll tell your friends, I know this year has been a rough year for all of you it’s been a rough year for me too I’m human just like you and there are moments where I’m not sure if I should go on or if people are interested or listening and all of your messages, all of your emails, your phone calls and everything have helped to keep me going so that I can continue to pay it forward and keep you and thousands of others going. We’re all in this together and we’re gonna all get through this together So, stay safe, get your recording of the event, implement everything that I trained you on in your business and blow away the competition. I’ll talk to you next week with brand new content. God bless. Have a good night.

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