Home Care Friends,

Growing your business can be hard at times. Trust me, I know what if feels like to feel stuck. To feel like everything is against you. To get the responses that you don’t want to hear. “You’re not allowed to go in there,” the “we can’t afford Home Care,” and having the social worker not wanting to see you… I’ve heard it all. The question I get all the time is, “Steve, how can I continue moving forward?”  On this week’s episode of A Drink With “The Hurricane,” I will give you a technique to help you remember to stay motivated when marketing has got you down.

As a business owner, I know all too well that stress and long hours can make it difficult to maintain your momentum. However, when times get tough remember this… your WHY.  Your why will give you the answers to keep moving forward.

Remember when you first started your business? How excited you were about the endless possibilities? That is the owner we are trying to channel here, folks. Refocusing our minds to provide care to help seniors age in place with dignity and grace.

When marketing has got you down follow these steps:

  • Take a step back
  • Visit your clients
  • See your impact
  • Visualize success

See your hard work in action. This will guarantee you the motivation you need to get out of your rut and start marketing again. Remember we are human. We are all going to have bad days, but ALWAYS remember the impact you are making in the quality of life for your clients. Brighter days are ahead of you, so go out there and rein in those referrals, I know you can do it!

If you are looking for more ways to stay motivated, I highly recommend for you to register for our Referral Masters Boot Camp, February 8-10th, in Houston Texas. Steve “The Hurricane” has sold out Boot Camps nationwide and has transformed the lives of business owners across the nation. If you are serious about establishing a solid foundation for you and your business, this is not the event you want to miss! I look forward to meeting you in Houston, where our team will teach you how to Blow Away The Competition!