Ever wonder if you hired the right Marketing Rep for your agency? Time and time again I see business owners question their decision, and come to HME for help.

As we all know, a Marketing Rep is the voice for you and your agency. They are the one that will ultimately set you apart from the competition. Hiring the right Marketing Rep is crucial, but the question here, folks, is “When is the right time to hire a marketing rep?” On this week’s episode of A Drink with “The Hurricane,” I have enlisted the help of Nicole Peretti, HME’s Director of Business Operations/Business Coach, to determine what you should look for when hiring a Marketing Rep.

If you are a brand new business owner, I know what you are thinking. “Steve, I need to hire a marketer right away… right!?” WRONG! It is important to set up your business for success and avoid hiring a Marketing Rep until you have about 750-1,000 weekly billable hours. This will guarantee you the finances needed to hire a Marketing Rep.  

Once you achieved this goal, here are some qualities to look out for when hiring a marketer:

  • Field Experience
  • Go Getter Personality
  • Independency
  • Comfortable in the field
  • Able to handle rejection

It is important that a Marketing Rep can handle the unexpected, and anything else that is thrown their way. In the hiring process, it is important that the individual has EXPERIENCE. This will help you weed out those who are not qualified for the job. As a business owner, you want someone who is comfortable in the field and has had success in the past.

This individual must have a strong backbone and be able to handle rejection well.  It is all about PERSISTENCE here, folks. THERE WILL BE REJECTION.  Trust me, I’ve been there, but it is all about how you handle the rejection that will set your company apart from the rest. Remember, people only refer those who they know, like, and trust. It can take upwards of 8 to 12 visits to get a referral from an account.

A Marketing Representative’s role must be a full-time, salaried position with the opportunity to earn commission so they will WANT to go out and market for you. During the hiring process it is important to manage the candidates’ expectations. Let them know it may take 3-6 months to earn commission. If the individual is a go-getter and is excited to earn commission, he or she might be a great candidate for the job.

If you are interested in learning more techniques about hiring a Marketing Rep, come to the next Hurricane’s “Home Care Boot Camp” in Denver, Colorado. Steve “the Hurricane” has sold out Boot Camps nationwide and has transformed the lives of business owners across the nation. If you are serious about establishing a solid foundation for you and your business, this is an event you don’t want to miss! I look forward to meeting you in Denver, where our team will teach you how to Blow Away The Competition!