
This is the first ever MEMBERS ONLY video for Team Hurricane.

This and every other Team Hurricane video is designed to be viewed with a note-book and pen.  Steve the Hurricane will walk through tutorial teaching you every thing you need to know to implement in the business.

For our first Video, Steve walks us through everything we need to know about Promotional Items! The video was filmed in three different sessions.

Part 1 – How to choose the RIGHT promotional item, various costs, and the importance of having them

Part 2 – Steve walks through 6 of the most popular items he’s given out, what they cost today, how he gave them out, and why they were so successful. (Hint – he got referrals because of them)

Part 3 – “It’s all about the Delivery!”.  Steve walks you through HOW to deliver the item in a way that gets you remembered when referral time comes.  This is the most important part of promotional items.

View this as many times as needed, it’s here for you forever as a valued part of Team Hurricane.


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